SAE Academy

Welcome to SAE-Academy, your comprehensive documentation hub for TypeScript, React, and Next.js. This platform serves as a centralized knowledge base where you'll find clear explanations and essential information about these modern web development technologies.

SAE-Academy is designed to be straightforward and accessible, focusing on what matters most - helping you understand these technologies better. We've curated and organized the core concepts, patterns, and practices to make your learning and reference experience as efficient as possible.

Our goal is to provide a resource that bridges the gap between scattered online tutorials and dense official documentation. Whether you're looking to refresh your understanding of TypeScript's type system, explore React's component patterns, or navigate the server-side rendering capabilities of Next.js, you'll find concise, practical information here.

There is no single "right way" to use this documentation. Feel free to navigate according to your needs—jump directly to specific topics, follow a sequential learning path, or use the search function to find exactly what you're looking for. SAE-Academy is meant to serve as your flexible reference guide that adapts to your learning style and immediate requirements.

Getting Started

Access the technology sections directly from the navigation menu. Each technology section is structured with foundational concepts first, building to more advanced topics. Code examples are provided throughout to illustrate key concepts.

We recommend starting with the fundamentals of each technology if you're new to it, but experienced developers may prefer to dive straight into more advanced topics. The documentation is structured to support both approaches, with clear navigation between related concepts.

Learning Resources

The documentation is organized into three main technology areas. Each section contains carefully curated content that highlights the essential knowledge you need without unnecessary complexity.


Typescript Icon


Learn about TypeScript's type system, interfaces, generics, and how to build type-safe applications with enhanced developer experience.

React Icon


Explore React's component-based architecture, hooks system, state management, and best practices for building interactive user interfaces.

Next.js Icon


Discover Next.js fundamentals including routing, server-side rendering, API routes, and deployment strategies for production-ready React applications.